Trigger a Popup When Your Visitors Press the Back Button

Lisa Fockens Updated by Lisa Fockens

Our built-in mobile exit intent script triggers popups when your visitors press the back button or scroll up a little. If you want to trigger popups only when they hit the back button, follow this guide!

Open your popup in the builder. Under the Triggers section, select On Exit and uncheck the box Activate scroll up trigger on mobile & tablets.

And voila!

Chrome requires an interaction on the page

Chrome on Android has an additional condition to allow the back button override. The visitor must have clicked on the page for Wisepops to be able to register the campaign at exit intent.

In other words, it will work fine only if the visitors see multiple pages of your website. However, if the visitor presses the back button just after landing for the first time on your domain, the exit campaign won't appear.

We suggest you activate the scroll up gesture detection to increase the chances of displaying your campaign.
