Installing Wisepops on your website via Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Lisa Fockens Updated by Lisa Fockens

Whether you're a seasoned web developer or just getting started, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process, ensuring a smooth and successful integration. If you're working with a single-page app, please consult our specific guide for that setup.

If you're working with a single-page app, please consult our specific guide for that setup.

Step 1: Retrieve Wisepops Setup Code

  1. Log in to your Wisepops account and go to your account settings
  2. Navigate to the Install Wisepops tab
  3. Copy the code or send the instructions to your developers

Step 2: Generate a New Tag in GTM

  1. Sign into your Google Tag Manager account.
  2. Choose 'Add a new tag'.

Step 3: Configure Your New Tag

  1. Select 'Tag Configuration' and opt for 'Custom HTML' as your tag type.
  2. Paste the Wisepops setup code you copied earlier into the HTML field.

Step 4: Establish Triggering

  1. Then click on 'Triggering'.
  2. Select Dom Ready as your trigger

Note: To restrict the tag load to certain pages, establish a condition based on the URL:

Step 5: Name and Store Your Tag

  1. Give your tag a distinctive name and save it.

Step 6: Publish Your Adjustments

Hit 'Submit' and 'Publish' to activate your changes.

Step 7: Confirm the Setup

  1. Validate your setup using Chrome or Firefox.

Congratulations on successfully integrating Wisepops with your website via GTM!

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

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