Add Wisepops to

Boris Hocdé Updated by Boris Hocdé

Wisepops can be added as a destination. By using the Wisepops destination, Segment loads Wisepops on your website for you. With no development, you can target your users based on their traits or events, display personalized messages, and track the revenue generated by your campaigns.

Learn more about the Wisepops destination.

Use Wisepops as a source

Our integration with is only a destination. If your goal is to identify / track events after a form is submitted in Wisepops, you don't need to use the integration. Our JS callbacks feature can do this as long as the Segment's Analytics.js library is loaded on your website.

For example, if we want to update the email trait and fire an event Wisepops form submit, we can do this:

Add Wisepops to Weebly

How to add Wisepops to a custom website?
