Create a Spin-the-Wheel Popup Without Collecting the User’s Email Address

Lisa Fockens Updated by Lisa Fockens

To offer a spin-the-wheel popup that doesn't require an email, we're going to use a signup block that we're going to edit to do the following:

  1. Hide the email field
  2. Use the Wisepops' JS callbacks feature to automatically fill the email field with a dummy email address

Step 1: Create a campaign including a spin-the-wheel block.

Step 2: In the popup builder, open the CSS editor.

Step 3: Paste the following code:

.wisepops-block-signup input[name=email] {
  display: none;

Step 4: Click on the JS section, add create a new callback listening for the event Before form submit. Set the following snippet as the script:

// Automatically fill up the email field['email'].value = '';

Save your popup, and you're done! Since the JS callback is not executed on preview, you should test your wheel on a hidden URL.

Contact us if you have any questions.

Create a Spin-to-Win Campaign
