
Wisepops Data, Cookie & Security policy

Learn what details we collect about your visitors

Lisa Fockens
Updated 6 months ago by Lisa Fockens

Limit the impact of Wisepops' cookies on your website

Having too many services relying on first-party cookies can cause your server to issue 413 errors. Wisepops can be configured to avoid this.

Lisa Fockens
Updated 5 months ago by Lisa Fockens

Vulnerability Reports & Bug Bounty Program

If you think you may have found a security vulnerability, please get in touch with us at Bug Bounty Program. Wisepops relies on the Bugcrowd Vulnerability Rating Taxonomy for t…

Lisa Fockens
Updated 2 weeks ago by Lisa Fockens

Using Wisepops with a Content Security Policy

Use this guide to understand how to display Wisepops campaigns on a site protected by a CSP header.

Lisa Fockens
Updated 8 months ago by Lisa Fockens

Datenschutz- und Cookie-Richtlinie

Erfahren Sie, welche Daten wir über Ihre Besucher sammeln Was ist Wisepops? Wisepops ist eine Pop-up-Lösung, die von den Websites benutzt wird, auf denen Sie surfen. Es erlaubt dem Website-Eigentümer…

Lisa Fockens
Updated 2 years ago by Lisa Fockens

Protect your campaigns against bots

Prevent bots from using the forms displayed in Wisepops campaigns with the help of Google reCAPTCHA.

Lisa Fockens
Updated 4 weeks ago by Lisa Fockens
