Campaign Management

Publish or Pause Campaigns

You have the option to pause and play your campaigns at any time right from your dashboard. To play or pause a campaign: Go to your Wisepops dashboard and find the campaign you’d like to pause or lau…

Lisa Fockens
Updated 1 year ago by Lisa Fockens

How to duplicate (and move a campaign)

Learn how to easily duplicate and move your popups campaign from one website to another.

Lisa Fockens
Updated 4 months ago by Lisa Fockens

Archiving, Deleting or Restoring campaigns

Archiving a campaign. To archive a campaign: Go to the Wisepops dashboard. Find the campaign that you would like to delete. Click on the "..." button on the right end of the campaign dashboard. From…

Lisa Fockens
Updated 1 year ago by Lisa Fockens
