
Target a Popup to Display on link or CTA Click

It is possible to make your campaign appears when a link is clicked. Let's see how this works.

Lisa Fockens
Updated 5 months ago by Lisa Fockens

On scroll trigger

Learn to show a pop-up when your visitors scroll a certain percentage of a page. This trigger is designed to help you show campaigns to the users who showed enough interest in the page to scroll down…

Lisa Fockens
Updated 5 months ago by Lisa Fockens

Target a Popup To Display on Hover

Learn to trigger a wisepop when your visitors mouse over a specific element

Lisa Fockens
Updated 5 months ago by Lisa Fockens

Adding a delay to your popup

Learn how to trigger your popup at the best time.

Lisa Fockens
Updated 5 months ago by Lisa Fockens
