Automated AI wishlist

Dev Updated by Dev

Wisepops' AI Wishlist is an automated notification campaign that generates incremental revenue by reminding visitors of the products they were most interested in in a non-intrusive way.

The AI Wishlist is currently only available to Shopify users. If you are interested, reach out to us at We will expand to other platforms later in 2024.

1. How to activate and customize the AI Wishlist

In the Notifications section, click on "Create a Campaign". Then select the AI Wishlist. You can customize the messages that appear in the teaser and when visitors expand the AI Wishlist.

If you are a Shopify user but the AI Wishlist campaign does not show up in the template gallery, contact us at

2. Free trial and billing

The AI Wishlist is currently in beta and temporarily provided for free for you test to try out. Within the next months, it will become a paid feature. The fee will be a percentage of the attributed revenue (see section on revenue attribution model). At the moment when it becomes a paid feature, you will be asked to confirm whether you want to keep using it.

3. Revenue Attribution Model

The AI Wishlist has a stricter attribution model than other campaigns. An order is attributed to the AI Wishlist only if the order contains a product that your customer has previously clicked on. In other words, if your customer clicks on a product in the AI Wishlist then places an order that does not contain this product, the revenue from that order will not be attributed to the AI Wishlist.

The attribution window is the same as the one you set at the account level in the Settings -> Goals section.

4. Targeting

The AI Wishlist is currently displayed to all visitors who have viewed enough products (see Algorithm section). We will soon add targeting options that let you personalize the messages and offers you make inside the AI Wishlist to different segments of visitors: new vs. repeat visitors, past customers, etc.

5. Algorithm

5.1. AI Wishlist behavior

The Recommendation Feed will keep evolving as we collect more data and optimize its impact on your business. As of today:

  • The AI Wishlist will appear in the notification feed during a visitor's first visit after we collected enough information on his preference through their product browsing.
  • The AI Wishlist then stays in the notification feed as "read" but will keep updating its list of recommended products based on the new products viewed by the visitor.
  • The red badge will reappear at each new repeat visit.
5.2. Product ranking

The product ranking algorithm will keep evolving too as we add more data sources to improve the recommendation's click and conversion rates. We utilize browsing data to gauge the level of interest of the visitor in a product. We are working to incorporate more data coming from your catalog.

6. Stickers: Price and stock updates

The "stickers" toggle allows you to enable dynamic updates about price and stocks:

  • New Arrival: this update will show up when the product has been published less than 30 days ago
