You can make sure that some products are never pushed to visitors in the suggested product recommendations.
1. For Popups/embeds
Open a popup/embed with a product recommendation block
Select the product recommendation block in the editor
In the left panel, you have access to two fields: Include Products and Exclude Products
Enter products or lists of products (see section 3 of this helpdoc)
2. For Feed Notifications
For Feed notifications, you can only define product exclusions - you cannot choose which pool of products to chose from.
Select an existing/new product recommendation campaign
Inside the campaign builder, click on the "Exclude products" section.
Enter products or lists of products (see section 3 of this helpdoc)
When you define product exclusions in one campaign, these will be shared with all other campaigns.
3. How to select products to exclude or to chose from
You can enter several search terms and separate them using commas: ","
You can exclude products using the following methods (without the apostrophes)
Exact title - for example "Blue summer socks"
Partial title - for example "sweater", which will match "Yellow summer sweater" but also "Red winter sweater"
Product id - for example "id:435345555" (make sure to include "id:" in front)
Product tags - for example "tag:t-shirts" (make sure to include "tag:" in front)
Product handles - for example "handle:bundle-product" (make sure to include "handle:" in front)
An example of a complete list of products exclusions could therefore look like:
Blue summer socks, sweater, id:45443454545, tag:t-shirts, handle:bundle-product