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Ready to take your Wisepops skills to the next level? Dive into advanced features, complex setups, and power-user tips to maximize your campaigns
21 articles
Display a Popup Only After Another One Has Been Seen (or Clicked)
Using Dynamic Variables to Personalize Your Wisepops Campaigns
Inject the Name of the Visitor's Company into Your Popups (with Clearbit)
How to Target (or Exclude) Visitors Who Have Seen a Specific URL
Display the visitor's city within your popup
Insert social widgets into your campaigns
Display a Popup Based on an Alexa Rank Condition (With Clearbit)
How to retarget visitors who saw a specific page on your website
Prevent a campaign from being displayed if the visitor has closed another campaign
Using Custom Properties and Events for contextual targeting in Wisepops
Dynamically Add a Custom Parameter to a Redirect URL