To do so, we will use our JS callbacks feature to declare a custom property.
Set the custom property when the close icon is clicked
First, let's add the property at the right time. Copy the following snippet into a JS callback listening for the event Before popup display
var closeIcon ='.wisepops-close');
closeIcon.addEventListener('click', function() {
var properties = {};
properties['closed_' +] = new Date();
event.detail.wisepops('properties', properties);
This will create a custom property closed_1234
, where 1234
is your campaign ID. So you can reuse the same method on multiple campaigns. Each one will have its own independent condition.
Prevent the display if the custom property has been set
Now, we want to exclude the visitors from the campaign if they have the custom property set. If we want the campaign to never appear again, we can add this condition:
closed_1234 does not exist
Remember that 1234
must be replaced by your actual campaign ID. You can find this ID in the URL of our campaign builder:
We can also choose to display the campaign again two hours after the close icon was clicked, with the following:
closed_1234 does not exist
closed_1234 is before 2 hours ago