This integration is currently in beta.
Thanks to the Wisepops & Emarsys integration, you can synchronize the leads collected by Wisepops as Emarsys contacts.
Connect your Emarsys account
Follow these steps to connect your account:
Log in to your Emarsys account.
In the left menu, click Management > Security Settings. You must be an owner of the Emarsys account to access these settings.
Confirm that you want to create a new API user, and type your password to verify your identity.
Once the API user is created, copy the user name and password.
Click OK to come back to the API users list. And click the pencil icon to edit the new API user.
Change the comment to Wisepops so the purpose of this API user is clear.
Add the following permissions:
Log in to your Wisepops account.
Open or create a campaign with a sign-up form.
Click your sign-up form.
In the left menu, click Sync.
Click the Emarsys icon.
Copy and paste the Emarsys API user name and password in the authentication window, and click Submit.
In the list menu, choose which list you'd like new subscribers to join.
You're done :)
If you have any issue syncing your leads with Emarsys, you should try to export your collected data. In the generated CSV, a column named "Sync Emarsys" shows the response we received from the Emarsys API.
Here are common sync errors, and how you can fix them.
Invalid choice id for field id: 31
This happens when Emarsys expects the ID of a value, not its textual representation. This error is often seen for the Opt-in field, but can also occur for other fields. Please refer to this table to find the appropriate value IDs to use.
For example, your Wisepops field could be mapped to the Emarsys Opt-in field like this: